Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hideaway burning of the waste wood from last years high water problems

Jack - Lowell - Randy - tranferring the wood piles

Jack - Lowell - John - keeping their hands warm

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Jack & Lowell hauling the big wood

John loading the wood pile

Lowell & Randy feeding the fire

Lowell & Gale transferring wood piles

Gale & Bill transferring wood piles

Lowell - Dennis - Jack - Gale - taking a break

The two John's spreading the wood

Dennis - Gale - Lowell

Spreading the wood

Jack - Dennis - Ken - John

Randy spreading the wood

Work & wait

Our fire crew

John & his friend

Ken & their little red fire truck (for our safety)

John providing more air to the fire

Dennis & Jack at Hideaway burn

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Carol - Volunteer baby sitter - Caring People Program

Gene - Volunteer cook - Caring People Program

Randy playing basketball with Caring People Program

Gene playing basketball hoops with the Caring People Program

Randy playing hoops with the Caring People Program

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Kimberly preparing Sunday's sermon

Church cleanup time - Marion outside pulling weeds

Irene cleaning the kitchen floor

Sue cleaning refrigerators

Jack cleaning behind refrigerators

Lowell downstairs cleanup

Jack cleaning downstairs storage

Cleanup Crew - Lowell, John & Don

Randy preparing bulletins